Dandelion & Cosmos Field Mouse Tea Cosy

Have Spring in your livingcosmos reference photoroom all year round.  

This is a show piece for all to admire each time you bring out the tea and never hide away your tea pot!

Another stunner of a tea cosy to make. Here is the link via Etsy and LoveKnitting

headon front


Funky Knitted Cat Scarf

Knit yourself a funky cat scarf

You can purchase this pattern at http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/knitting/clothing/funky-cat-scarf/158926

The instructions is written as well as a full easy to follow color graph.  Although the complete instructions is for a scarf, it is easy to adapt it to a blanket, sweater or anything you want to knit the cat pattern to

Honey Bee Bany Romper / Onsie set

One of the things I love is creating things in yarn and or a mix with fabrics compounded by my I love and protect any bee that comes into my garden or crosses my way.  They are one of the most important living creatures we need to survive.  It dawned on me time to bring out the knitting needles and make something for the little ones.  Rompers also known as Onesies are so hard to find patterns for, and then they can be so complicated, and then are sexist.   Out came the needles and away I went doing my thing and created as I went along.  So cuttie pie it turned out, I just had to make a bonnet.  No sooner was the bonnet made I made the booties… not sooner the complete outfit was finished a friend claimed the finished product and then got further order.  But I have only got limited time and cannot possibly make all the orders that flowed in, I realized I needed to sit down and work out the pattern and make it available to those who want to reproduce my designed article.

HONEY BEE BABY ROMPER – ONESIE SET   Click here to Get the pattern

3 – 6 month baby Romper / Onsie set